All posts by Sandulli Grace Staff

Chaperone’s Injury Field Trip For School Is Covered By Workers Compensation

In Karen Sikorski’s Case, SJC-10481A (12/11/09). the Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that a Massachusetts public school teacher is entitled to workers’ compensation for an injury she suffered while chaperoning a school-sponsored ski trip, even though she volunteered for the assignment and the injury occurred while on the slopes.

The SJC rejected the City’s argument that the teacher was ineligible for coverage because she volunteered to chaperone the field trip and because she injured herself in the course of “recreational activity.” To determine whether an injury is entitled to coverage, the Court said that several factors must be weighed, including: (1) the customary nature of the activity; (2) the employer’s encouragement or subsidization of the activity; (3) the extent to which the employer managed or directed the activity; (4) the presence of pressure or compulsion to participate; and (5) the employer’s expected or actual benefit from the employee’s participation.

The SJC had little difficulty in affirming that this teacher’s chaperoning of this field trip met the standard for workers’ compensation coverage. First, teachers customarily served as chaperones for ski club field trips and acted as teachers while they did. Second, the City encouraged teachers to participate as ski club chaperones. Third and finally, the ski club trips benefit the City by furthering the school’s broad educational mission, as confirmed by the City’s financial support for the ski club, the advisors and the chaperones.

Injuries that arise from recreational activity normally is not subject to workers’ compensation. However, the Court concluded that this situation did not fit within that exception because the teacher was required to be on the ski slopes supervising the students, and her injury occurred during her performance of that function.

This case is a helpful victory for employees who assume additional responsibilities for the employer, even if it involves a fun activity such as a ski field trip. The principles underlying this decision likely will provide useful guidance in the context of G.L. c.41, §111F claims for police officers and firefighters. But one should be careful not to read this decision too broadly – injuries that occur during a voluntary activity that do not relate to work place functions, such as a voluntary social gathering or golf fundraiser, may not necessarily be covered. If injured in a non-traditional work function, you should contact your union representative, Sandulli Grace, PC, or another legal representative to discuss your options for relief.

HRD Holds Public Hearing On Proposal To Change Rules To Allow Banding

Massachusetts Chief Human Resources Officer Paul Dietl today held a public hearing on his proposed changes to the Personnel Administrator Rules (PARs)(as previously reported, you can see the proposed changes here. While there was discussion of the other proposed changes, the majority of the hearing, and of the comments, was to the proposal to allow for the banding of scores on police and fire promotional examinations. (You may remember that HRD needs to change its rules before banding based on the injunction Sandulli Grace obtained last spring). The overwhelming message to HRD, delivered by unions, Fire and Police Chiefs, and interested individuals was “DON’T BAND!”

Prior to public comments on banding, HRD testing expert Jay Silva from testing company EB Jacobs gave a description of banding. According to Silva, using banding allows the test givers to eliminate variances in test scores that are not actually reflective of knowledge or ability. According the Silva and HRD, banding is intended to make the process “fairer” for test takers. He concluded that banding ultimately allows the municipality and/or chief to make a decision that allows for a “better fit” for the individual department.

Of course, here in Massachusetts we know that the officer who is a “better fit” will, no doubt, be the officer who is favored by management, or makes the political donation to the appropriate candidate, or…. A “better fit” will not be a better manager, nor does allowing a town to pick the “better fit” comport with the Civil Service mandate of merit based promotional decisionmaking.

Following HRD’s presentation, the public comment period commenced. 100% of the folks who took the time to go to the hearing voiced UNIFORM OPPOSITION to banding. State Senator (and former firefighter) Ken Donnelly spoke eloquently and movingly about how banding will eviscerate the preference for veterans that c. 31 requires. BPPA President Tom Nee spoke about how banding will allow favoritism to overcome objective criteria of merit. MCOP In House Counsel (and Waltham Sgt.) Tim King discussed how banding will undermine confidence in the testing procedure. PFFM President Bob McCarthy spoke passionately about how banding will undermine the authority of fire and police commanders – who make life and death decisions about those who work under them. And the comments continued, from representatives of the IBPO, the MPA, other Fire Departments, and individual officers and test takers – all unified in their opposition to banding. Perhaps most surprising, and heartening, a representative of the Fire Chief’s Association stood to oppose banding – noting that Fire Chiefs do not want discretion when it would undermine confidence in the system.

To their credit, the representatives from HRD, from Chief Dietl to General Counsel John Marra and Deputy General Counsel Michele Heffernan, were respectful and open to all the submissions. They indicated that they will take all of the comments into consideration prior to issuing the final propose rule changes. Those changes will then go to the Civil Service Commission for review, where we will again request to be heard. As always, we’ll keep you posted. (And if you don’t know, you can join our mailing list – just fill in your e-mail address in the box in the upper left corner of this page. By joining, you will get an e-mail every time a new blog entry is posted.)


As those of you who followed HRD’s attempt to “band” scores from the October 2008 police promotional exam know, we were able to defeat that attempt on procedural grounds by arguing that such a substantive change must be the subject of rulemaking. Well, HRD has regrouped, and yesterday Chief Human Resources Officer Paul “Ebenezer” Dietl sent out notice that he intended to change the Personnel Administrator Rules to allow banding and set a hearing on the changes for December 14 at 2:00 p.m. at 100 Ashburton Place. You can read the notice of hearing and the proposed rules here, .

Obviously, the fact that HRD is actually following its own rules by scheduling a hearing does not lessen the potential impact of banding – which, without a doubt, will undermine merit-based hiring by allowing appointing authorities vastly more discretion that is currently allowed. We’ll be studying the proposed rules and getting ready for the 14th. We’ll see you there!

Sandulli Grace Attorney Leigh Panettiere named Co-Chair of Boston Bar Association’s Labor and Employment Section

Leigh Panettiere, who has been a partner at Sandulli Grace, P.C. for six years, has been named Co-Chair of the Boston Bar Association’s Labor and Employment Section for the 2009 – 2011 term.  Ms. Panettiere is excited to play a leadership role in the BBA, and to help energize the L&E Section.  She hopes to contribute to the BBA’s mission of educating lawyers and encouraging productive professional relationships, goals that benefit Sandulli Grace’s clients by fostering healthy communications between labor and management.

MassCOP Supports Suit to Protect Quinn Bill Benefits For Mass. Police Officers

In a case that could have wide-ranging effect on the compensation paid to Massachusetts Police Officers, the Massachusetts Coalition of Police assigned its law firm of Sandulli Grace, PC, to file suit today in Barnstable Court on behalf of five Mashpee police officers in order to prohibit the Town of Mashpee from reducing Quinn Bill payments.   If successful, the suit could benefit all educated police officers in the Massachusetts communities that adopted the Quinn Bill.  Sandulli Grace attorneys Bryan Decker and Patrick Bryant filed the suit.

MassCOP President Hugh Cameron said, “The Quinn Bill is based on the idea that Massachusetts strengthens our public safety by strengthening the education of its officers.  Thanks to the Quinn Bill, communities throughout the Commonwealth are protected and served by police officers who bring their higher education to bear on every call on every shift.  The Town of Mashpee’s reduction of wages sacrifices the wages of the people who place themselves at risk for all of us.  The actions by Mashpee and other municipalities in Massachusetts defeat the letter and spirit of the Quinn Bill.” 

According to the lawsuit filed today, the Town of Mashpee adopted Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 41, §108L, known popularly as the Quinn Bill, several years ago.  The law states that officers “shall … be granted base salary increase[s]” of 10% for an Associate’s degree, 20% for a Bachelors degree, and 25% for a Masters degree.  Municipalities that adopted the Quinn Bill are eligible for reimbursement of 50 percent of the educational incentive paid to police officers. 

            Beginning July 1, 2009, Mashpee drastically cut the compensation paid to its educated Police Officers.  The Town justified its sudden reduction in wages upon the State’s failure to fully fund its reimbursement during Fiscal Year 2009 as well as the Town’s estimate that the reimbursement will not be fully funded in Fiscal Year 2010.   The Town further relied upon language in the collective bargaining agreement, which allows for the docking of employee pay for underfunded Quinn Bill reimbursements.  (This contract language was negotiated prior to MassCOP’s affiliation with the local).

            The lawsuit advocated by MassCOP seeks to stop the Town from slashing the pay of educated police officers or asking officers to return monies already paid to them.  The lawsuit asserts that the Quinn Bill mandates towns and cities to pay the educational incentives as specified in the Law and prohibits collective bargaining language that allows for any reduction or recoupment of these educational incentives.

Read the Complaint

The State Budgets To Drastically Reduce The State’s Quinn Bill Funding And Amends Language To Limit Eligibility – A Double Insult To Police Officers

We’ve known for months that the Commonwealth was considering a drastic cut to the Quinn Bill funding.  The FY2010 budget has now been signed by the Governor, and the State has appropriated only $10,000,000 to fund “its share” of Quinn Bill reimbursement, about an 80% cut.  Unfortunately, they saw fit to add insult to injury, also including language that will prevent officers from obtaining Quinn Benefits in the future. 


Underfunding of the Quinn can impact different departments differently, depending on how collective bargaining agreements treat Quinn.  The important thing to keep in mind is that the State “share” of Quinn funding is actually the State reimbursing a municipality for monies already expended.  What the State budget passed this week does is actually tell municipalities to anticipate that they will not be fully reimbursed in FY2010 for monies that they have already paid to officers for FY2009.  Under the Quinn statute, municipalities report how much they paid in the prior fiscal year to the Department of Education by September of the current year.  Thus, the request for FY09 reimbursement will not even be finalized until September, with the monies to be reimbursed in April or May of 2010.  Also, while the just passed budget would not cover the state’s full share of anticipated Quinn Bill reimbursement, at anytime between now and the end of FY2010 a supplemental appropriation could provide greater funding.  Therefore, it is premature for any city or town to be proposing reducing Quinn payments NOW based on the just passed FY2010 budget.

Even assuming that underfunding eventually occurs, unless your collective bargaining agreement provides for a reduction in a municipality’s Quinn Bill payments to officers in the case of the State not fully reimbursing, your city or town is still on the hook for paying the full statutory Quinn amount.  This is, again, because the Quinn Bill says that the officer will be paid the amounts, and the state will reimburse.  The problem with municipalities that are “on the hook” for the full statutory Quinn amount is that some claim to be considering trying to repeal the Quinn based on the possible underfunding.  Municipalities are emboldened to float such an idea based on the State taking the lead in undermining support for the Quinn bill.  This has gone so far that the Chiefs of Police have a legal advisory on their site regarding how to repeal the Quinn (This blows my mind, as the vast majority of Chiefs receive Quinn payments at a much higher level than police officers based on their much higher salaries).  It is IMPERATIVE that you keep us apprised of any efforts in your city or town to try to repeal the Quinn, and that you let us know immediately if something arises.

The projected underfunding of the Quinn in municipalities with contractual language for the city or town to be able to recoup Quinn payments because of the State budget presents a multitude of issues.  It should be noted that there is an argument to be made that any such language is unenforceable, as a collective bargaining agreement cannot technically trump the Quinn Bill statute.  However, this is an untested argument, and one that is difficult for a union to make – as the union agreed to the language.

With regards to contract language regarding Quinn, unfortunately there is no “one size fits all” answer for such municipalities, as the resolution of the issue is highly dependent on the specific language of the contract at issue.  It is highly advisable that you formulate a game plan with your parent union and/or counsel before you sit down with management to discuss the impact of possible underfunding.  For instance, in one town, the town agreed to address a past underfunding by officers surrendering earned comp time – no bargain, but at least an outcome that did not reduce paychecks.


Again, once the State had Quinn benefits on the ground, it couldn’t help but administer a swift kick to the ribs via cutting off Quinn eligibility.  The budget language reads:

[A]ny current regular full-time member of a municipal police department who has not started accumulating points pursuant to said section 108L of said chapter 41 of the General Laws, as of September 1, 2009, shall not be eligible to participate in the career incentive pay program established pursuant to said section 108L of said chapter 41 of the General Laws…

 Based on this language, the $64,000 question is what does it mean to “start accumulating points” towards a Quinn Degree?  Does it mean that an officer has to actually have some credits towards an associate’s degree to qualify, or will it suffice that an officer has started taking classes by 9/1/09 in order to be eligible to eventually get a Quinn benefit?  This is not clear.  What is clear is that anyone who starts to pursue a degree after September 1 will not be eligible for Quinn.  As a result, 8 week credit courses in public safety starting today should be VERY well attended.

The only, and I mean ONLY, slightly good news is that Officers working towards a degree will be allowed to continue to progress towards a full Masters level Quinn.  The language is:

any current regular full-time member of a municipal police department who has begun to accumulate points pursuant to said section 108L of said chapter 41 of the General Laws as of September 1, 2009 shall be allowed to accumulate the maximum number of points permissible pursuant to said section 108L of said chapter 41 of the General Laws.

Thus, if you are on your way to an Associate’s degree, you will be able to receive Quinn benefits when you reach that level, and will be able to “move up the Quinn ladder” to a Bachelors and Masters degree.  How much you’ll get for those degrees, as noted above, remains unclear.

As always, we’ll keep you up to date with developments as they occur.  

News Flash: Sandulli Grace Wins Injunction For Gloucester Firefighters Local 762

Friday afternoon, Essex Superior Court ordered Gloucester Mayor Carolyn Kirk to request sufficient funding for the minimum staffing provision of the collective bargaining agreement.  This ruling came as a result of a motion for a preliminary injunction filed by Sandulli Grace, PC Partner Bryan C. Decker, on behalf of Gloucester Firefighters Local 762, AFL-CIO.  Judge John T. Lu ordered Mayor Kirk to seek funding from City Council from the Fiscal Year 2010 budget, scheduled to be voted upon June 16, 2009.

Read the decision

Another Year, Another Successful MCOP Educational Seminar

On April 27, 2009, The Massachusetts Coalition of Police hosted its annual Police Educational Seminar for a packed audience in Westborough.  As in the past, the attorneys of Sandulli Grace, joined by outside experts, presented on a variety of timely legal topics.  Over the years, the annual seminar has become a premier educational event for Massachusetts police officers.

As usual, the topics this year were informative and timely.  (See the program here – See photos from the seminar here).  After a welcome from MCOP President Hugh Cameron and MCOP In House Counsel Tim King, Sandulli Grace Attorneys Susan Horwitz, Amy Davidson and Ken Grace talked about creative alternatives for bargaining in these tough economic times.  Joining them was Carol Chandor from Boston Benefits Partners.  Carol is an expert in public sector health care and gave an incredibly informative talk about how to judge various health plan alternatives, including the GIC.

After a break, Sandulli Grace Attorneys Joe Sandulli and John Becker discussed how to deal with the reality of layoffs, a topic that’s unfortunately too current.  SG’s Alan Shapiro and Bryan Decker then gave a blow-by-blow of the historic injunction MCOP and the BPPA were granted against the “banding” of police promotional scores.

The educational portion of the event ended with Sandulli Grace attorneys Leigh Panettiere and Patrick Bryant, joined by Police Lawyer Extraordinaire Thomas Drechesler and noted Psychologist Leo Polizoti, discussing the pitfalls of off duty misconduct.  Dr. Polizoti’s frank, behind-the-scene look at what goes into a psychological fitness for duty exam was the highlight of the day.

The day was capped off with a late lunch, during which Ken Grace recognized the winners of this year’s Sandulli Grace/MCOP Scholarship Essay Contest.  The annual event, open to the children of all MCOP members, awards 4 scholarships based on essays in response to a police related topic.  This year’s topic was the value of having sworn police officers providing traffic coordination at construction sites.  All of the essays were excellent.

Stay tuned next Spring for the announcement of the 2010 MCOP / Sandulli Grace police educational seminar.


State Agency Rules Police Union Violated Duty Of Fair Representation To Police Officer Fired For Beating His Wife – Sandulli Grace Offers Tips For Unions To Defeat DFR Claims

The Commonwealth Employment Relations Board has ruled that the Amherst Police League – which is NOT a client of Sandulli Grace, PC and is NOT represented by any Sandulli Grace client – violated its duty of fair representation in its handling of a grievance concerning the termination of police sergeant.  The case, Amherst Police League, MUP-05-4521(April 23, 2009), underscores the need for Unions to adhere to internal procedures for grievances, even for grievances that seem downright worthless.  As a result of the DFR violations, the police union here could suffer significant financial damages.  Amherst Police League serves as an unfortunate playbook in how NOT to process a grievance. 

In this case, an alcohol-fueled Amherst Police Sergeant beat his wife at home during an off-duty argument.  His repeated hits resulted in injury to his wife.  The Sergeant fled the scene to his mother’s Vermont residence.  He turned himself into police the next day.  He subsequently admitted himself to hospital for depression, anxiety, and later treated by a psychologist for those issues and alcohol abuse.  He was charged criminally with domestic assault and battery, a misdemeanor.  He ultimately admitted to sufficient facts on this criminal charge, which was continued without a finding and later dismissed after a year of probation. 

 During the Town’s investigation, the Sergeant and a Union attorney met with the Town.  At the meeting, the Union attorney advised the Sergeant to say nothing because any statement could be used in a criminal proceeding against him.  Subsequently, the Town fired the Sergeant. 

 As a non-civil service town, the Sergeant’s primary way to challenge the termination was through the grievance procedure.  The grievance process here involved four levels: Step 1 (immediate supervisor) Step 2 (Chief), Step 3 (Town Manager) and Step 4 (arbitration).  The contract permits only the Union Grievance Committee to pursue a grievance beyond Step 1. 

 After being fired, the Sergeant then filed a grievance with his immediate supervisor and with the Town Manager.  His letter to the Town Manager said his private attorney would contact the Town Manager.  The private attorney never did.  After Step 1, the Union Grievance Committee then tabled the grievance for several months, without getting the Town’s written agreement to hold off.  The Union failed to communicate with the Sergeant or his attorney about the termination grievance for several months.

 During this grievance process, the Union’s attorney (a novice in labor law) promised the Sergeant’s private attorney that the Union will demand arbitration and will let the Sergeant’s attorney litigate the case (so long as the Sergeant pays the legal fees).  The Town expressed a general willingness to meet with the Sergeant about settlement, but the Union never relayed this offer to the Sergeant.  The Union also never invited the Sergeant to grievance meetings.

The Union Grievance Committee met with the Chief and the Town’s HR Director without the Sergeant.  Both the Chief and the HR director denied the grievance in writing.  The HR director’s response relied in part on the Sergeant’s refusal to speak on his own behalf.  The Union did not seek any legal advice on the merits of the grievance, although the Union’s lawyer (who primarily did real estate work) advised them to go to arbitration.  The Union then voted not to appeal this decision to arbitration and in part, relying on the Sergeant’s silence.  It failed to notify the grievant about its decision for two months.

 The Sergeant then filed a charge of prohibited practice with the Division of Labor Relations/CERB, alleging that the Union violated its duty of fair representation under the Law. CERB agreed with the Sergeant.  It ruled that the Union violated its duty of fair representation to the Sergeant through the following acts:


  • The Union failed to notify the Sergeant during the grievance process about the Town’s willingness to meet with the Sergeant to discuss his employment situation, even though there is no evidence that the Town would have altered its stance during such a meeting.  CERB wrote, “The Union’s failure to alert [him] to this pivotal opportunity to challenge his termination shows a reckless disregard for [his] grievance and his contractual rights”
  •  The Union unfairly combined Steps 2 and 3 of the grievance process.  CERB wrote, “The Union made this assumption without taking steps to ascertain whether [the Town Manager] had authorized [the HR Director] to act as his Step 3 representative at the meeting, or whether the Town had intended and agreed to merge the grievance steps.” 
  •  As a result, CERB concluded that the Union failed to timely file an appeal of the grievance to the Town Manager, which allegedly resulted in the termination being upheld.
  •  The Union promised to proceed to arbitration and then failed to do so.


There are several questionable facets to CERB’s decision.  Although CERB noted that the contract grants the Union with the exclusive right to process grievances, CERB seemingly disregarded G. L. c. 150, §5, a state law that entitles employees to individually process grievances without relying on labor organizations.  As a result of this state law, CERB placed inordinate emphasis on the Union’s handling of the grievance and less on the employee’s failure to assert his own rights. 

CERB also unnecessarily faulted the Union for believing that Steps 2 & 3 were combined.  The Union had a plausible argument that the Town, via its actions, agreed to merge these steps.  Finally, CERB appeared to impose a duty on Unions to relay detailed messages between employees and employers – such as the detailed reasons in support of a grievance and the employer’s offer to discuss the termination.  This duty appears to be higher than we believe previously existed for Unions.

CERB thankfully included a note in its opinion warning employees and unions that this case is highly unusual given the volume of errors made by the Union.  In other words, a Union that committed only one of the above errors might not be found to have violated its duty of fair representation.  CERB noted,“[W]e nevertheless affirm the general principle that a union that initially files a grievance for arbitration retains the discretion to subsequently withdraw it, so long as it makes a reasoned, non-negligent judgment, untainted by improper motives, about the merits of the grievance.”

As a result of the decision, the Union was ordered to see if the Town is willing to arbitrate the termination. If the Town is willing, then the Union has to pay for an independent attorney to represent the Sergeant.  If the Town is unwilling – and it is unlikely to imagine the Town will volunteer to expose itself to liability for terminating the Sergeant– the Union will be forced to pay lost wages to the Sergeant.  The only way the Union can avoid liability is for it to show that an arbitrator likely would have upheld the termination In other words, the Union has an incentive to show that the Town deservedly terminated one of its members.

Even though the case involved a highly unusual amount of errors, the case reminds Unions of the benefits of using best practices for resolving grievances.  The following practices are not necessarily strictly mandated by a duty of fair representation they may help defeat claims.


  • Review your by-laws and constitution to determine your procedure for handling grievances and then follow this procedure.
  • Notify the grievant of his or her ability to file his or her own grievance.
  • Unless fully persuaded after an investigation that a grievance is meritless, file a grievance and process it through all steps up to arbitration.
  • Vigilantly observe and enforce grievance deadlines (or seek extensions from the employer).
  • Consider inviting the grievant to participate at steps of the grievance process and let the grievant present any non-frivolous argument on his or her own behalf (that does not mean the Union has to agree with the grievant)
  • Notify the grievant in writing about relevant steps or developments of the process.
  • Provide the grievant with an opportunity to present an argument in support of the grievance prior to(or during) Union deliberations about whether to demand arbitration.
  • Demand arbitration even if (or especially if) the Union has not completed its decision-making process for proceed to arbitration and permitted the grievant to appeal the Union’s decision.  The Union can always withdraw its demand later!
  • If the Union demands arbitration, notify the grievant in writing that the Union has the right to withdraw arbitration.
  • If the Union declines to demand arbitration, notify the grievant in writing about any appeal process and the reasons for the Union’s decision to forgo arbitration.

Again, a Union’s failure to adopt any or all of the above policies does not necessarily violate its duty of fair representation.