Tag Archives: twitter

Tweet, Tweet – Sandulli Grace, Pc Starts Twitter Feed To Give Up To The Minute Labor News

With our blog, www.sandulligraceonline.com, continuing to grow in popularity, we’ve now added a Twitter feed to enable us to provide even more up-to-date information regarding the union movement and matters of concern to employees.  Our Twitter account, found at http://twitter.com/SandulliGrace, allows us to alert you to recent events quickly, and on the go.  (Twitter is a popular “microblogging” site.  Here’s info about Twitter, http://twitter.com/about).  We expect to post 2 – 5 “tweets” a day, depending on the news.  We’ll tweet blog postings, news articles we run across, court and agency cases, etc.  Of course, we will continue to post substantive blog items regarding issues of concern to our clients.  Indeed, don’t be surprised to see us blog an item that first appears on our Twitter feed, once we have time to digest and respond fully to a legal development, case, or political item.

You can sign up to receive our tweets on your computer or mobile device, by going to http://twitter.com/SandulliGrace and hitting “follow.”  Once “following,” you can also send us ideas or information.  Or you can visit the blog and simply look at the recent Twitter entries on the front page.  Also, if you haven’t signed up to receive e-mail announcements of our blog entries, you can do so by entering your e-mail address in the “Join our Mailing List” box in the left hand column of this page.