Tag Archives: training

Sandulli Grace, P.C. and the Massachusetts Coalition of Police Present the next 2019 Training on December 4, 2019

Sandulli Grace, P.C. and the Massachusetts Coalition of Police are proud to announce our third 2019 police union training. Sandulli Grace and MassCOP believe in empowering MassCOP’s local unions through education, to create a stronger, safer environment for members. Our 2019 training sessions will give you tools to enforce your rights and improve your members’ working conditions.

Basics Trainings

In the past two years, MassCOP and Sandulli Grace have presented multiple “basics” trainings to our police unions. We believe there is a continued need for these trainings, as unions continue to elect new leaders, and new legal challenges present themselves every day. Topics include:

  • Grievance Processing
  • Discipline
  • Bargaining
  • Stress in the Workplace

Whether you are newly elected, or a seasoned union leader looking for ideas on how to make your job easier and more effective, these basics trainings can give you helpful information about issues that local unions face every day.

Bring Your Contract!

We intend this training to be interactive and practical, so we ask each person to please bring a copy of your collective bargaining agreement so that we can discuss real situations. PARTICIPATION IS NOT NECESSARY, BUT IT ADDS TO EVERYONE’S EXPERIENCE! WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE IT! We will help you interpret your contract’s provisions on grievance processing and appealing discipline, and we will discuss what proposals you might want to make in your next round of bargaining.

How to Register

Our next 2019 training will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the American Legion Hall, 199 Federal Furnace Rd, Plymouth, MA 02360. Please see the attached flyer. The cost is $55 per person. Payment can be by check mailed to Gia Capozzi at Sandulli Grace, P.C., 44 School Street, Suite 1100, Boston, MA 02018, or by credit card at this link:

We welcome your feedback regarding the location and content of these training sessions. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or suggestions at gcapozzi@sandulligrace.com.

Download the event flyer

MassCOP To Serve As Only Police Labor Rep On Police Training Commission

Sandulli Grace, PC, congratulates its longtime client, the Massachusetts Coalition of Police, AFL-CIO (“MassCOP”), on its recent appointment as the only police labor representative to a special commission on local police training. Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Legislature passed Chapter 3 of the Resolves of 2008 to establish a special commission. The Commission’s dozen or so members will study the creation of a statewide law enforcement training program and improvement of municipal law enforcement training. Commission members include representatives from the Massachusetts House and Senate Joint Committee on Public Safety, the State Police Colonel, the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association, and several other entities related to law enforcement. MassCOP, which represents more than 3,200 police officers and police employees in the Commonwealth, was named in Chapter 3 as the only representative of rank-and-file police officers and police unions. MassCOP Vice President and Legislative Committee Chair Kenneth J. Scanzio will serve as MassCOP’s representative to the Commission. Sandulli Grace again congratulates MassCOP and Vice President Scanzio on yet another recognition of their status as leaders in advocating for sworn police officers.