Sandulli Grace, PC is very proud to announce that Jamie Goodwin was recognized as the Health Law Advocates’ “Lawyer of the Month” for the outstanding representation he has provided through the HLA’s pro bono legal network.
Health Law Advocates is a 501(c)(3) public interest law firm whose mission is to provide pro bono legal representation to low-income residents experiencing difficulty accessing or paying for needed medical services. The work Jamie does for the HLA provides life-sustaining assistance to vulnerable clients to help them avoid financial catastrophe.
If you would like to learn more about the HLA, and their immeasurably critical work, please visit their website, here: http://www.healthlawadvocates.org/. Below, you can learn more about Jamie’s efforts for the HLA, as described in the July 14, 2014 HLA Legal Network Update.
Attorney Goodwin of Sandulli Grace, P.C. has been an All-Star since joining HLA’s Pro Bono Legal Network in 2012. Over the past few years Jamie has continuously taken on referrals and is currently working on his fifth matter from HLA.
A specialist in Labor Law, Jamie’s efforts have helped clients with both public and private insurance to breakdown barriers from employers, insurers and providers, and get his clients the services they deserve.
In 2013, Attorney Goodwin was successful in restoring full nursing services for KB, a severely disabled 17-year-old girl, after her state subsidized insurance reduced both the hours and level of her care.
His dedication to helping the community goes beyond his work with HLA’s Legal Network. Attorney Goodwin also volunteers several nights a week teaching English at Rosie’s Place. Thank you for your outstanding support and contribution to the Legal Network, and most importantly to our clients. Congratulations on being named this month’s Lawyer of the Month!