All posts by Sandulli Grace Staff

Civil Service Commission Issues Written Decision Affirming Refusal to Allow Results of Polygraphs into Evidence

The full Massachusetts Civil Service Commission has affirmed a hearing Commissioner’s ruling that a City cannot introduce evidence of the results of a lie detector test. Sandulli Grace Attorney Bryan Decker successfully argued at hearing that polygraph results should not be allowed into evidence because lie detector tests are so unreliable as to be (in the words of the Maryland Appeals Court) “incompetent.” The full Commission has now agreed, closing the door on municipalities that seek to introduce polygraph results. The Commission joins other states such as Illinois, Maryland and Ohio that refuse polygraph evidence in administrative hearings when a public employee’s job and reputation are on the line.

This victory comes as we are still waiting for the Supreme Judicial Court’s decision in the Furtado v. Plymouth case, which involves whether a police chief can order a police officer to take a polygraph examination during a non-criminal disciplinary investigation, although all other employees in the state are protected from such an order. Sandulli Grace submitted a friend of the court brief in the case arguing for equal treatment for police officers, and discussing the history of polygraphs as pseudo-science. We’ll let you know as soon as a decision is issued.

Whatever the outcome in Furtado, it is our hope that Police Chiefs will stop wasting time and money trying to intimidate employees with the “magic truth box.” Since the results from any results from any “failed” polygraph tests will not be admissible in disciplinary hearings, the tests themselves serve no legitimate governmental purpose.

Treble Damages Legislation Becomes Law

In late February, we alerted you to the General Court’s efforts to pass legislation designed to strengthen penalties imposed on employers by reinstating automatic treble damages for employees who prevail in wage and hour lawsuits against their employers. (See Feb 27 and Feb 29 blog entries). We’re pleased to tell you that the legislation has now become law, taking effect on July 13.

As we noted earlier, the Governor refused to sign the legislation after it was first passed, instead sending it back to the legislature with a request that the law be watered down in favor of employers. Both houses of the General Court quickly rebuffed the Governor’s attempt to weaken the law and returned it to him without change. The Governor therefore had to veto it, sign it, or do nothing, which will cause it to become law. He chose the third, and the bill has now become law because Patrick failed to sign it or veto it.

The law reaffirms that the legislature intended for employers to pay treble damages when they break the law. That intent was questioned by the Supreme Judicial Court three years ago, when the court instructed judges to examine whether the violation was intentional before deciding on damages. Efforts to “fix” the SJC’s interpretation were launched almost immediately, but failed under the Romney administration. The legislature is to be commended for not letting the issue go, and for standing up strongly in support of workers who face unlawful actions by their employers.

SJC Rules That Fatigue Caused By Voluntary Overtime Does Not Give Rise To Workers’ Comp. Claim

The Supreme Judicial Court has unanimously confirmed the general “coming and going” rule that most Massachusetts workers are not entitled to workers compensation benefits for injuries suffered while traveling to or from work, even when the injury is caused by work-induced fatigue. The case is another example of the SJC’s indifference to the plight of the modern employee.

The decision, Michael Haslam’s Case, SJC-09915 (April 8, 2008) [], concerns Michael Haslam, a carpenters’ foreman, who was assigned to the the Big Dig project. When Haslam completed his regularly scheduled 5 a.m.-3:30 p.m. shift, the major assignment that day – pouring concrete – had not even started. A carpenter needed to be present when the concrete finally was poured, and Haslam believed he would be fired if he left the work site prior to the task’s completion. Therefore, he worked until 8:15 a.m. the next day, when the project finally was complete. Exhausted from a 27-hour work day, Haslam tragically fell asleep while driving home and crashed into a utility pole.

The Division of Industrial Accidents granted benefits, but the SJC overturned DIA’s decision. Critical to the SJC’s analysis was the “voluntary” nature of the foremen’s overtime assignment: the foreman was not personally obliged to work overtime (the union contract arguably prohibited mandatory overtime), and the foreman never sought someone else to complete the assignment. In other words, the SJC blamed the foreman for his exhaustion and placed no duty on his Employer to ensure that employees are not exploited or overworked. The Court did not seem to acknowledge the modern-day work environment where people labor under significant, although unwritten, expectations of performance and the Court failed to grant much weight to the benefit derived by the Employer from the foremen’s continued work.

In deciding whether the exhaustion is caused by work, the SJC basically asked whether a “reasonable person” would perceive the overtime assignment as excessive and mandatory, not whether the injured employee felt that such work was excessive or mandatory. For instance, the SJC noted that 27 hours of work would not generally be considered excessive for a firefighter assigned to 24-hour shifts.

The SJC noted a number of injuries that may compel a grant of workers’ compensation benefits, even if the injury occurs while the employee is traveling between home and work, such as: exhaustion caused by excessive amount of mandatory overtime; injury arising from a “special trip” by the employee made at the request or benefit of the employer (such as attendance at an off-site mandatory meeting; or working an overtime shift during inclement weather). Interestingly, the SJC seemed to be more sympathetic to injuries suffered while en route to work, as opposed to injuries suffered while returning home.

As a result of this decision, employees who work a lot of overtime should, prior to working beyond a normally scheduled shift, try to establish whether the employer is mandating that the employee perform the extra work.

The SJC’s decision does not automatically apply to claims for injured-on-duty pay by public safety officers, which are covered under a different statute, G.L. c.41, §§100, 111F, and typically are resolved via labor arbitration. Moreover, Massachusetts courts have suggested that police officers are “traveling workers” who are exempt from the “coming and going” rule. Under court cases and arbitration decisions involving §111F, police officers in particular have had greater success in having injuries incurred while “coming or going” to be recognized as work related, especially where: the officer is subject to a Department rule mandating that s/he act appropriately on and off-duty; the officer is available to respond to calls for public safety at the time of the injury; the officer is traveling a direct route between work and home; and the officer is paid a basic weekly wage regardless of actual hours worked. See, e,g., Wormstead v. Saugus, 366 Mass. 659 (1975) (officer who was injured while returning from paid lunch break and remained on call is entitled to benefits under §111F); Gardner v. Peabody, 23 Mass.App.Ct. 168 (1986) (officer injured on en route to work after being ordered to report was entitled to 111F benefits).

Overwhelming Majority Of Workers At Fox25 Vote To Join Ibew, Local 1228

Early Wednesday morning, more than 70 percent of the 100 production and technical workers at Boston’s FOX25 (WFXT) television station overwhelmingly voted to join Local 1228, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local 1228 is one of the largest unions in New England representing workers in the broadcast industry, and has been a client of Sandulli Grace since the firm was founded by Joe Sandulli over thirty years ago. Local 1228 represents workers at television and radio stations throughout New England, and has long represented technical and production workers at WBZ (CBS), WCVB (ABC) and WHDH (NBC) in Boston. With the addition of FOX25, Local 1228 now represents employees at all 4 Boston network affiliates.

In early March, Local 1228 petitioned the National Labor Relations Board to confirm that a majority of technical employees at FOX25 wanted a union. Once the station learned of the worker’s intent to unionize, it engaged in a campaign against unionization through memos, staff meetings, and one-on-one sessions. To the station’s credit, while it urged workers not to unionize, it did not appear to engage in any illegal efforts to suppress the workers’ rights. Despite the station’s efforts, the workers remained united in their desire to join together. In addition, Local 1228 and the workers remained in constant contact, quickly responding to any anti-union memos with the facts about the benefits of unionization.

After agreeing with Local 1228 and Fox on the job titles and employees who get to vote, the NLRB scheduled the election for April 8. The bargaining unit is comprised of exactly 100 employees, including engineers, master control operators, editors, tape coordinators, photographers, van technicians, production technicians, Chyron operators, audio engineers, studio camera operators, jib and robotic camera operators, studio technicians, technical directors and directors. In order to ensure that all employees had a chance to vote, the NLRB conducted four separate voting periods, and the election actually extended into April 9, with the final voting period ending at 12:15 a.m. Stunningly, 97 of the 100 eligible voters cast a ballot.

After the close of voting at 12:15 a.m., Wednesday, April 9, representatives of Local 1228, FOX25 management, and about 20 excited FOX25 workers gathered in the “old studio,” where the vote was held, to watch an NLRB agent count the ballots. The excitement in the room was electrifying as the pile of “Yes” votes quickly grew. The final vote count was 70 votes for Local 1228 and only 27 votes for no union, a greater than 2-1 margin of victory! Unless Fox files objections to the election, the NLRB will certify Local 1228 as the democratically-elected collective bargaining representative of workers at FOX25.

Now that the employees at FOX25 have come together and gained a voice in their workplace, the real work begins. Local 1228 will work closely with its new members to develop proposals for an initial collective bargaining agreement. During the campaign, FOX25 committed that it would bargain in good faith with the union if the workers voted to unionize. Local 1228 is excited to begin the process of improving the working conditions of its newest members and to bring them in line with other Local 1228 members. And we here at Sandulli Grace remain honored to with work Local 1228, and are ready to assist the Local and its members as they move forward at FOX25 and beyond.


No doubt that you have heard the overactive rumor mill regarding possible legislation on private paid details. Sandulli Grace is in constant contact with the legislative officers of the Massachusetts Coalition of Police (MassCOP) and the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association (BPPA). Here’s what we know as of Tuesday Morning, April 1. This situation is developing hourly, and we will continue to keep you up to date:

The House transportation bill does not contain any attack on the use of sworn police officers to direct traffic at road construction jobs. There is a possibility that the Senate will attach a rider onto its version of the transportation bill that does impact details. If you agree that sworn police officers at private details provide enhanced public safety in a cost effective manner, you should call your senator and representative to let them know how important it is to maintain these protections.

CALL YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE AND SENATOR TODAY TO TELL THEM WHY sworn police officers at private details provide enhanced public safety in a cost effective manner.

You can look up your senator and representative (and get their phone numbers) here, by going here,

Our client MassCOP has developed the following helpful information regarding details, which you can cite when speaking with your legislators: (You can also download the information as a .pdf using this link: mcop-police-details-make-sense.pdf )


Putting aside the rhetoric and hyperbole, the facts demonstrate that having sworn police officers assigned to road and highway construction projects – so-called Paid Police Details – provides both enhanced public safety and cost effectiveness.


Sworn police officers are trained emergency first responders, ready and able to:

  • Perform CPR
  • Utilize defibrillators maintained in cruisers in the case of cardiac episode
  • Communicate effectively with fire and EMS responders, ensuring fast, effective response when accidents occur
  • Just last week, the first responders to the MBTA train tragedy in Canton were four Canton Police Officers (all members of MCOP) working a nearby private detail. These trained offices were able to immediately identify the needs and call for fire and ambulance services, and begin to provide emergency services while awaiting the arrival of the EMTs.

Sworn police officers performing private details means more cops on the street:

  • Police officers perform private details in the communities they police, providing extra protection to the people of the community in the event of a crime
  • Officers routinely assist motorists while performing private details
  • Officers routinely respond to emergency calls while performing paid details, frequently being able to respond faster than officers who are providing services elsewhere
  • Officers provide security to the construction and utility workers doing their jobs in high crime areas


The use of civilians to direct traffic at construction sites is unlikely to lead to meaningful costs savings:

Contractors will be required to pay civilians state prevailing wages to take the place of sworn police officers. The prevailing wage for such “flagmen” is currently (figures provided by Massachusetts Department of Labor):

  • Metro Boston $37.45 per hour
  • Central Mass $34.05
  • Springfield $30.72
  • Berkshires $29.97

In addition, contractors will need to pay payroll taxes and provide health insurance to civilians hired to replace sworn police officers. When you add it up, it doesn’t make sense.

Court Rules BPD’s Elimination Of Rank-Specific Locker Rooms May Be Illegal – Sandulli Grace, PC, Files Brief In Support Of Police Union

The Massachusetts Appeals Court has ruled that the City of Boston Police Department may have violated state anti-discrimination law by unilaterally eliminating rank-specific locker rooms in response to complaints by female ranking officers about inadequate accommodations. Sandulli Grace Attorney Patrick N. Bryant filed a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, Inc., which supported the Boston Police Superior Officers Federation’s challenge to elimination of longstanding locker room arrangements.

In the case of King & BPSOF vs. Boston, 06-P-1013 (March 28, 2008) (, female superior officers for the Boston Police Department requested that they be provided access to rank-specific, female locker rooms, as enjoyed by male ranking officers. Many BPD district stations offer rank-specific locker rooms for male officers and not female officers. After several superior officers complained about the disparate accommodations (the BPD offered a locked closet space as one alternative), the BPD sought to eliminate all rank-specific locker rooms at all district stations. This move was jointly opposed by the BPPA and BPSOF. The day after the superiors union filed a complaint with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, the BPD ordered the closure of all rank-specific locker rooms, including male and female. The superiors union amended its complaint to include charges of retaliation. After the superiors union moved for an injunction, the BPD agreed to halt locker room changes for the time being.

The Appeals Court ruled that the BPSOF produced enough evidence to go to trial against the City. The Appeals Court agreed with Plaintiffs that rank-specific, gender-specific locker rooms may be an important condition of employment. As the court ruled:

Separate locker rooms alleviate potential tensions between superior officers and the patrol officers whom they are required to supervise and discipline. They provide also a psychological buffer zone for patrol officers who use their locker rooms as a place to decompress, without official scrutiny, after performing a shift that can be stressful and intense. Locker rooms may be a significant location for union organizing and collective action, a particularly relevant factor in this instance given that patrol officers and superior officers are members of different unions.

The Court ruled that the Plaintiffs also produced enough evidence that the BPD illegally retaliated against female officers and the BPSOF when it made changes to locker rooms. Significantly, the Court agreed that the filing of a grievance about discriminatory treatment is “protected activity” under anti-discrimination law. Further, the BPD’s decision to eliminate rank-specific locker rooms after a newspaper article about the lawsuit created an inference that the decision was intended to retaliate against BPSOF.

Technically, the Appeals Court decision occurred at the Summary Judgment stage of litigation, meaning that the Court did not necessary agree that the locker rooms were a material condition of employment or that the BPD’s actions were illegally motivated. By denying Summary Judgment to the BPD, the Court essentially ruled that Plaintiffs produced enough evidence for a jury to decide the legality of BPD’s actions.

Employer’s Anti-Union Policies Violate Federal Labor Law

In an extraordinary rebuke of the Republican-dominated National Labor Relations Board, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has struck down a vague “no harassment” policy implemented by an employer during an acrimonious union organizing campaign.

In UAW v. NLRB, (March 20, 2008), a Connecticut automobile plant responded to a UAW organizing campaign by threatening to fire employees that even talked about the union during work time, and by implementing a vague “no harassment” policy intended to thwart union organizing. On review, the NLRB agreed that employer policies that prohibit discussions or solicitations regarding unionization during working hours are illegal.

While federal courts typically defer to the decisions of administrative agencies such as the NLRB, the Second Circuit reversed the NLRB’s conclusion that the announcement of a “no harassment” policy was not illegal. The employer defended the “no harassment policy” as addressing reported intimidation and vandalism at the plant. However, the Second Circuit reminded the NLRB that the employer’s intentions behind the policy are irrelevant, as it is necessary to consider how a reasonable employee would interpret a “no harassment” policy. Here, the Second Circuit ruled, a reasonable person would interpret such a policy as prohibiting union organizing, given that the employer already implemented a policy expressly prohibiting union organizing.

Unfortunately, as an example of federal law’s bias toward employers, the Second Circuit upheld the NLRB’s ruling that the employer’s fearmongering – regularly characterizing the Union as violent, strike-happy, pervaded by “violence, threats, intimidation and [ ] death” – was not illegal.

Read the decision

Appeals Court Rules Employer Immune From Tort Liability For Workplace Injury

“Employee misclassification” has long been a problem that costs workers and the government billions of dollars every year. Employers are notorious for trying to label employees “independent contractors” in order to avoid paying payroll taxes and worker benefits. “Employee Misclassification” is especially common when workers have been injured, harmed, or otherwise mistreated at work. In circumstances where employees organize to form unions, are victims of illegal discrimination, file claims for unpaid wages or overtime, or are terminated without just cause, it is a common litigation dodge of employers to argue that they are not, in fact, employers. The recent Massachusetts Appeals Court case of Fleming v. Shaheen Brothers, 07-P-255 (Feb. 21, 2008) provides a unique instance when an employer has a financial incentive to prove that it is the boss to an employee injured on the clock.

In general, Massachusetts workers compensation law provides immunity to employers from personal injury claims by employees injured on the job. As the tradeoff for requiring employers to contribute to workers compensation insurance to make lost compensation and health benefits available, the law prohibits injured workers from bringing personal injury claims, which could potentially provide much large awards. (In certain circumstances, employees may file personal injury claims against third parties that caused the injuries, including manufacturers, and sometimes against fellow employees).

In Shaheen Brothers, an employee was injured while operating a forklift. The employee and his wife sued the employer and the forklift manufacturer. Shaheen Brothers hired, supervised and directed the employees. But, as is not uncommon in the construction industry, Shaheen Brothers outsourced its administrative and payroll functions to a different company, NBS. It was NBS, not Shaheen Brothers, that paid employees, withheld taxes and contributed to unemployment and workers compensation funds. The injured employee argued that NBS, not Shaheen Brothers, was his employer and Shaheen Brothers therefore was not immune from liability for personal injury claims. The Appeals Court disagreed. “NBS cannot be considered a general employer if it did not exercise any control over Fleming’s work duties; performing payroll functions does not amount to a working relationship.”

In concluding that an employer-employee relationship existed between the injured employee and Shaheen Brothers, the Appeals Court relied on the golden rule of “if it walks like a duck, it’s a duck” rather than technical niceties. In other words, if the company hires you, assigns you work, supervisors your work, and has the power to discipline you or change your wages, then it is your employer for purposes of workers compensation, regardless of who is listed on your paystub.

Legislature Affirms Intent To Strengthen Wage And Hour Law

Contact The Governor To Tell Him To Stand With Workers On S. 1029

As we noted on Wednesday, earlier this week Governor Patrick refused to sign legislation designed to strengthen penalties imposed on employers that violate state wage and hour laws. Instead, he sent the bill back to the legislature with a demand that it be watered down. I’m very happy to report that both houses of the Legislature have rejected the Governor’s amendment. On Tuesday, the Senate rejected the amendment, and yesterday the House concurred. The legislature will soon formally re-enact the bill mandating triple damages for violations of state wage and hour laws. Once that happens, it goes back to the Governor.

Once the bill is returned to the Governor, he has three choices – he can veto it, he can sign it, or he can do nothing, which will cause it to become law. Let the Governor know that you want him to join with the legislature and support workers rights by signing S. 1029. You can call the Governor’s office at 617-725-4005 or 888-870-7770 (in state). Or you can send him an e-mail using the form on his webpage,

While you’re at it, consider dropping your Senator and Representative a note to let them know that you appreciate their refusal to bend to the Governor’s attempt to weaken workers’ rights. You can get contact information for your representatives by filling in your address here,

Gov. Patrick Refuses to Sign Pro Worker Legislation

In a major concession to employers, on February 25 Governor Patrick, like Mitt Romney before him, refused to sign legislation designed to strengthen penalties imposed on employers that violate state wage and hour laws, instead sending it back to the legislature with a demand that they water down the law. At issue was S. 1059, which would have reinstated automatic treble damages for employees who prevail in wage and hour lawsuits against their employers. Patrick balked at signing the law, instructing lawmakers to fashion a bill based on the weaker Federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 1993, the Legislature significantly strengthened Massachusetts wage and hour laws, giving enforcement power to the Attorney General and giving employees the right to sue directly. Under the 1993 law, employees who prevailed in their suits were entitled to recover their attorney’s fees, and also to recover triple damages for the violations. For years, courts routinely upheld triple damages in such cases. Unfortunately, in 2005, the Supreme Judicial Court, in the case Weidman v. The Bradford Group, Inc., 444 Mass. 698 (2005), ruled that judges had the discretion to not award triple damages. The General Court, in response to Weidman, passed bills that clearly reiterated the legislature’s intent that triple damages be mandatory, and not subject to a judge’s discretion. In the last session, then Governor Romney vetoed the bill. Senate Democrats, seeking to restore worker protections, did not anticipate the same treatment from a Democrat Governor. But that’s what they got. The governor refused to sign the bill, instead calling for the General Court to go easy on employers who violate the law “in good faith, on the advice of counsel and guidance from the governmental authorities.” The federal law, which is weaker than state law in many areas, allows employers to avoid paying extra damages based on a “good faith” defense.

Unfortunately, this action by the governor is not entirely surprising. While Gov. Patrick campaigned as a friend to workers, he spent much of his legal career making millions representing management, including management at the aggressively anti-union Coca-Cola, and his wife is a management-side lawyer at one of the corporate law firms in Boston. Patrick’s action is particularly galling in that he calls on the state to mimic weaker federal law. Of course, Massachusetts prides itself on providing greater protection for workers than federal law requires. For example, Massachusetts protects workers from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, federal law does not. Indeed, Massachusetts just raised the minimum wage to $8.00 per hour, the second highest in the nation (the minimum wage in Washington State is $8.07), while the federal minimum wage remains at $5.85. So the governor is asking the General Court to take a step backwards.

The Governor’s plea for poor employers who have to pay their employees damages rings particularly hallow. We’re talking about a group of employers who have been found to have unlawfully not paid their workers! Patrick calls triple damages “unfairly punitive” to employers, but what about the workers who aren’t paid in the first place? Again, prevailing workers were routinely awarded treble damages prior to 2005. Did paying for their sins cause our workforce to crumble? No, in fact, the “triple damages era” corresponded with the economic boom of the 1990s. The bottom line is that this legislation was passed to reinstate what the General Court intended all along – that employers be punished when they fail to pay their employees in accordance with the law. Governor Patrick’s refusal to sign it stifles this worthy goal.