Sandulli Grace Attorney Bryan Decker Wins Reinstatement for an Unjustly Terminated Boston Police Officer

Sandulli Grace Attorney Bryan Decker recently won reinstatement for an unjustly terminated Boston Police Officer.  In a case involving the City of Boston and the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association, arbitrator Richard Boulanger ordered the immediate reinstatement with full back pay of Officer Baltazar DaRosa.  Arbitrator Boulanger found that the Boston Police Department did not have just cause to terminate Officer DaRosa in December 2010.  The Department charged DaRosa with involvement in a 2004 murder that occurred at a Cape Verdean Night at a night club in Randolph.  DaRosa’s cousin is the main suspect in the crime, of which DaRosa has steadfastly denied any knowledge.

Arbitrator Boulanger found that although the Department investigated the case for almost seven years, it produced no evidence that DaRosa knew of or was involved in the crime in any way.  He found that DaRosa did not violate any department rules justifying termination.  He ordered DaRosa reinstated and made whole – with full back pay and lost detail and overtime earnings.  You can read the Boston Globe’s article regarding the case here